Analysis Settings

Sheboygan County, WI from Counties
Home/Work Area An analysis can be performed on workers living or working in the selection area. To see results about workers residing in the selection area, select home. To see results about workers employed in the selection area, select work.
Analysis Type The Area Profile Analysis generates results showing the location and characteristics of workers living or working in the selection area. The Area Comparison Analysis generates results showing the count and characteristics of workers employed or living in locations contained by the selection area. The Areas to Compare dropdown determines the type of locations to be compared. The Distance/Direction Analysis generates results showing the distance and direction totals between residence and employment locations for workers employed or living in the selection area. The Destination Analysis generates results showing the home or work destinations of workers employed or living in the selection area. Select the geographic destination type using the Destination Type dropdown. The Inflow/Outflow Analysis generates results showing the count and characteristics of worker flows in to, out of, and within the selection area.
Options for Area Profile:
Options for Area Comparison:
Options for Destination:
Note: Home/Work choice does not affect results
Year Help
Job Type Job Type definitions are as follows: All Jobs include all public and private-sector jobs. Primary Jobs include public and private-sector jobs, one job per worker. A primary job is the highest paying job for an individual worker. All Private Jobs include all private-sector jobs. Private Primary Jobs include private-sector jobs, one job per worker. A primary job is the highest paying job for an individual worker. Note: Jobs are defined as Beginning of Quarter Employment for the 2nd quarter. Beginning of Quarter Employment is the total number of workers who were employed by the same employer in both the current (2nd) and previous (1st) quarter. Firm Age and Firm Size characteristics are only available for All Private Jobs.
Map/Chart Check the Show Map/Chart box to generate a map and chart with your analysis results. Leave the Show Map/Chart box unchecked to only generate a Detailed Report.